Thursday, November 16, 2006

sin bugs

Just wishing we were in Guanajuato, that's all. Actually I just got the cutest pictures ever of my niece and nephew who are little bugs. I was having trouble posting that picture so Guanajuato will have to serve as a place holder until I can produce the bugs. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Michael- I just checked out your blogspot for the first time. Unfortunately, I decided to do this right before I'm supposed to leave for an evening with welders and UFC! I promise to return tomorrow and dive into the depths of you!!

speedsquare26 said...

I'm pretty sure all forms of depth plumbing, diving, probing, or otherwise investigating are proscribed by the actual written and spoken marriage contract. The UMC, however, may allow for certain exeptions, including but not limited to certain welders and UFC's.