Friday, December 01, 2006

Masters of Mayhaw

I just got these pictures from my dad who by day is a sometimes-mild-mannered attorney and by weekend and whenever he's not hunting and fishing works in his Mayhaw orchard. Here's some behind the scenes documention of the budding mahaw industry. For those of you who don't know what the hell a Mayhaw is, well, use google and educate yourself. What I can tell you is that with the help of this little blue concentrator and the LMA (Louisiana Mayhaw Assoc) board, you'll soon be craving a scoop of Mayhaw iced cream.

Thank you Harvard Machine works in Clinton, LA!
Thank you LMA board!!
Here's part of dad's orchard. Also the little house in the background that Hugh and I helped fix up! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

It seems that my gorgeous daughter is loosing her identity in Asheville. Mi yerno withelds her name and now Heather her friend also doesn't uses her name that makes her "inombrable" which means in Spanish that we can not name her. La mama de la inombrable.

Anonymous said...

I want some Mayhaw icecream!

Don't worry mama de la inombrable, la inombrable has far too strong an identity to be lost. :)

Anonymous said...

that's right people! i've got a strong-ass, reggaeton shaking, caliente y picante muy nombrable y que no se les olvide identity! I'm Hot Sauce!

Anonymous said...

Well, I was afraid that I would ruin Hot Sauce's professional reputation by naming her as the gasbag stinking up the workshops in **** and ****. But now that it looks like my new non-profit and Saucy's non-profit may be associates, I may have to out her in case I end up one of her unfortunate victims at a workshop.

P.S. We need more new blog entry's Carpenter's Logic!

friend of *****